Three Ts


Call it what you will.

 A blog? Truthfully, that sounds technically scary and well above my computer know how pay grade.

A self-postulating type of journalistic lazy man’s diary? Doubtful.

I get diaries work for some.

But the apparently necessary requirement to the whole diary concept of being able to successfully complete a simple task in a routinely repeatable way has always eluded me. The whole concept of a diary just sounds exhausting. You want me to write about my long day after my actual long day?

What? No.

That makes it even longer.

Not even sure what I’m doing with the grammatical structure of this piece.

Not sure it means anything.

It might, though.

Even if I don’t know what it is.

Call it a reflection of my brain. Always has had a hard time settling down.

All that being said,

times are a little off kilter for most of us for sure. 

And while I get how important certain things are to our overall spiritual well-being:

the attempt at exercising, eating things like vegetables and the support and import of the love of those on our inner circles. 

Was that a proper use of the rarely discussed endangered colon?

Hard to know.

But I’m going with it.

One of the trickier grammatical endeavors.

The dreaded colon. 

Sure, the semi-colon has its’ own challenges. But the straight colon?

Tricky for the best of us. 

My goal is to put this list on my website.

Hey, we all need goals. Even ones with baby steps in the instructions.

They all count once completed. 

Even the little ones. 

And for those of us that are technically challenged, even more so. Feel like I was born in that window of time between rotary phones and the silk road of random middle school underground hacking cults.

Technology is still a bit messy for me.

There, I’ve admitted it. 

3 years ago a buddy of mine, infinitely smarter in the realm of technology that I could ever be, helped me in one afternoon “set-up” a rough website.

That’s right. My own website.

At long last, in the electronic game was I.

Then I completely forgot about it.

For almost 3 years. 

Not even sure what I know what the password is.


I know, I know.

Fingers crossed. 

That being said, these are indeed surreal times, and in those cases, nothing sometimes helps like the opportunity to disappear into a brilliant television series or movies.

We all need to take a break.

Call a 30 second time-out.

Take a moment.

Perhaps now more than ever.

To reset and










and rally.

So with that thought in mind,

I would like to share with you,


“TV Time with Ted”.

A phrase so corny, I will only mention it this one time, but still, c’mon.

Had to be said once.

Should you all need or want to perhaps watch some things which are, in my self-educated and knowingly snooty opinion,



From the acting to the story to the filming. All the way around.

And a bit off the grid from the norm,

I give you

10 television series WORTH your time,

2 movies your friends have probably never heard of that you should see


1 track that will make your soul happy for a little bit.

Sounds corny and a bit trite, I’ll admit.

But we all gotta start somewhere.

Without describing or giving away too much (cause let’s be honest, tracking down those details for everything on this list sounds exhausting for my first foray into this type of publicly personal communication).

Necessary, you say? Those details?


For any real sharing value?

Point taken.

A bit lazy on my end?

For sure. Additional descriptions weren’t in the original goal though.

Maybe next time.

But, trust me, I LOVE a good series and do my best to watch as many as possible.

From as many places as possible.

So stay healthy.

Stay focused and active and supportive and hopeful and hold on to as much humor as you can.

Hell. These days you may just have to look a little closer for it.

So should you need a break, give one of these shows a shot. 

You may have never heard of it. Don’t worry about that.

And I know for some mysterious and unexplainable reason some folks find subtitles are HARD! 

But stop it with that kind of talk.

Put your courage to the sticking point, keep moving forward and once more into the breach. 

Trust me. You won’t be disappointed.


1. The Bridge – Broen (2011, Swedish/Danish – Available on Hulu)

 2. Signal – Sigeuneol (2016, South Korean – Available on Netflix)

 3. Breathe (2018, Indian – Available on Amazon)

 4. Hidden (2018, Welsh – Available on HBOgo/Acorn Tv)

 5. Tabula Rasa (2017, Dutch – Available on Netflix)

 6. Jordskott (2015, Swedish – Available on Shudder)

 7. Wasteland – Pustina (2016, Czech – Available on HBOGo)

 8. Line of Duty (2012, British – Available on Acorn TV/Masterpiece/Amazon) 

9. The Cry (2018, Australian – Available on Sundance/Amazon)

 10. Braquo (2009,French – Available on Hulu/BBC)   


1. In Order of Disappearance, (2016) 

2. After Midnight, (2020)



Good News Mac Miller